I received a lovely little book from a dear friend awhile back, and because it shares real simple words of meaning I have decided that each post, I will try to include something from this little gem! Book title: "An Apple A Day"-Daily inspirations & fruitful living-Karla Dornacher
Today's Apple
Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise~the fruit of the lips that confess His name.Hebrews 13:15
Chew on it...
There is no greater fruit, none that is more pleasing to God the Father, than the fruit of our praises. To exalt His name, to sing His praises, to lift our hands and offer up our hearts, is the ultimate purpose for which we were called. In those moments when life is a struggle and our praise is not found in our circmstances, it is then that our hearts and thougjts are challenged to focus only on how great God truly is. It is in those moments that our praise becomes a holy sacrifice and we remember that all our fruit-bearing efforts are dependent on Him and not us...and He gets all the glory!
Savor the Flavor...
Dear Lord, forgive me for using my lips to grumble and complain when things don't go my way. You have been good to me, Lord.
I owe You my life. You my praise.
Today was a much better day for me, I received my blessings, but not without the suffering before-hand!
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